This web based solution allows non-technical users, as well as IT professionals, to modify and update content of a website at anytime from anywhere provided Internet access is available. No installations are required locally. Only a browser is needed so as to log into the system through the
zeportal management console.
Navigation is performed very easily through a tree based menu. During the design phase of
zecontent our developers’ team had in mind that users with limited technical knowledge will be using the tool. Therefore,
zecontent is very simple to be used following the design of widely and commonly used applications. Moreover, the utilization of the WYSIWYG editor enables users to create webpages by typing or copying text and inserting images. Multilingual support is also provided in a flexible way, aiming to enrich the website’s content.
zecontent turns the hassle of maintaining content such as web pages, news, events, banners and photo galleries, into a pleasant activity. The application is developed in a modular way giving the opportunity for features expandability so as to cover your specific needs.
zecontent offers high security both at IP and users levels. More specifically, the application can perform a check of the source IP address of the user and if valid then the login page will appear. In order to login into the system, the users must enter the appropriate credentials and if correct access is granted.
Another important feature included in
zecontent, is related to users management. The system supports the creation of various user groups / roles which can be assigned certain permissions, controlling with this way the actions to be performed.
When the user logs into the system, date and time are recorded, allowing the administrator to audit the various actions taken. Any actions taken related to creation and update of any type of information are recorded accordingly.
zecontent is fully managed through
zeportal management console allowing integration with
zecustomer (customer relationship management system) and
zecommerce (electronic commerce system). Finally, it is fully integrated with other web based applications using XML, allowing this way, endless customization capabilities.
Download zecontent datasheet.